
July 9, 2017

We Won’t Let our Rights be Traded Away Behind Closed Doors

We Won’t Let our Rights be Traded Away Behind Closed Doors Late at night on Friday, June 30th, a compromise budget failed to pass in the state house, triggering a shutdown of Maine state government, which ended late on July 3rd. While we are grateful that this manufactured crisis has ended, we know that the…

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May 11, 2017

Health Care is a Human Right Committee Statement & Call to Action on DHHS Proposed MaineCare Rule Change

We at the Southern Maine Workers’ Center (SMWC) are fighting for a universal, publicly-funded health care system that honors our human rights. The protection and expansion of existing public health care programs are important reform measures that also grant us platforms to demand the system we truly need. Right now, the Maine Department of Health…

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May 5, 2017

Connecting the Dots from Paris to Portland and Worker Justice to Climate Justice

At the Southern Maine Workers’ Center, we use a framework of human rights to help us envision the world we are building toward. We are organizing a broad based movement for the rights of poor and working class people in Maine, like the human rights to health care and to work with dignity. Recently we…

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February 21, 2017

Our Invitation to Senator Susan Collins

On Saturday February 18th the Maine Health Care is a Human Right Coalition held a powerful rally, attended by more than 200 people, at the Monument Square with a march to Senator Collin’s office. We left her a loaf of bread with this invitation to join us at the upcoming People’s Forum on Health Care….

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February 6, 2017

Becoming Unstoppable: Addressing Classism in the World & in our Movement

The Southern Maine Workers’ Center is an organization building a grassroots movement for human rights. We approach our work with the fundamental belief that working class and poor people “employed or not “know how the American economy works, because it works on top of them.  In order to create a more just economy we know…

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June 16, 2016

Who Doesn’t Love a Cheesy Metaphor?

You may have noticed that we at the Southern Maine Workers’ Center enjoys a metaphor almost as much as we enjoy a good pun. This year at our Annual Meeting we honored some of our incredible partner organizations with “Community Pollinator Awards” for their work bringing people and communities together to create change. We also…

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April 21, 2016

SMWC Joins Call for Portland to #SaveIndiaStreet

SMWC Joins Call for Portland to #SaveIndiaStreet Health Care is a Human Right. This is an undisputable truth. Yet, we live in a nation and a state that daily denies people access to necessary and quality health care services, based primarily on income. The Southern Maine Workers’ Center (SMWC) organizes for a truly universal, publicly-funded…

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December 14, 2015

#RefugeesWelcome (our statement of solidarity)

(On November 25th, 2015, the Southern Maine Workers’ Center wrote the following statement as a show of support for Syrian and other refugees. Many things have happened between that time and now, however the urgency remains. Thank you to our members for reading this message of solidarity and to Ali Mann for making the video.)…

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September 28, 2015

A SMWC Love Letter to Lew

DEAR PEOPLE OF LEWISTON, What a week y’all just had! The Good Food Bus got rolling, bringing much needed fresh, local, and affordable foods to people of Lewiston, Auburn, and Bath. The Tree Street Youth Center began its first week of enrichment classes. The 21st Century Lewiston High School leadership program is now 50 students…

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July 14, 2015

Universality: Tipped Workers and the New Minimum Wage

Portland’s Municipal Minimum Wage is Strengthened by the Inclusion of Tipped Workers As many people have heard, Portland City Council is backing away from the minimum wage ordinance they passed on Monday, because it calls for a raise in the base wages of tipped workers. Our Work With Dignity Committee, which has advocated for increased…

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