We’re a grassroots, member led organization working to improve the lives, working conditions, and terms of employment for working class and poor people in Maine.

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Our committtees meet monthly and organize most of our campaigns, workshops, and events:


Having a shared understanding of the systems that oppress us means we'll have better strategies & movements of resistance.

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If we want to improve our conditions at work and win victories to improve our economic position we must organize together.

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A series of gatherings designed by and for BIPOC organizers to deepen our connections with each other and our relationship with the land around us.

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"Movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass."– Grace Lee Boggs



5:00pm - 8:00pm @ 56 NORTH ST.

We aim to help workers identify, create, and implement economic justice campaigns that represent their priorities. We do this work with a focus on fostering solidarity between immigrant workers, low-wage workers, union workers, and others.

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News & Events


June 13, 2024

The Southern Maine Workers’ Center is hiring an organizer to join our staff collective!

What is SMWC? The Southern Maine Workers’ Center is a member-led organization with the mission to create a worker-led movement that improves the lives, working conditions, and terms of employment for Maine workers. We promote worker justice through a combination of anti-racist political education, organizing, and advocacy. We are organizers first and foremost, and we…

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EventsWorker Rights

November 28th, 2023

Wage Empowerment Workshop

For months, Work With Dignity and Political Ed Committee members have been working towards a workers’ rights & organizing training focusing on wage theft, which is one of the biggest problems we’ve seen workers struggle with in Southern Maine in the past few years. It’ll cover common types of wage theft + how we can protect ourselves…

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October 27, 2023

The Fight Against Israeli Apartheid Is A Fight For Freedom For Us All

SMWC stands with Palestine and all people around the world who are taking to the streets, airwaves, and halls of power to demand an immediate ceasefire in Israel/Palestine, and an immediate end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Demanding a ceasefire comes from an immediate need to stop the loss of life, both Palestinian and Israeli. The…

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