Introducing T.O.A.S.T: Transformative Organizing And Skills Training, a ten-part series of workshops for members (and friends) of the Southern Maine Workers’ Center.
We’ll build-up the skills we need for the growth of our committees, the power of our campaigns, and the sustainability of our organization.
We’ll be learning the crucial building blocks of grassroots organizing, including outreach and follow-up, meeting facilitation, grassroots fundraising, engaging the media, and more.
Workshops will connect organizing skills to our organizational commitments to human rights and racial & economic justice.
Trainings will (mostly) be held on 1st Saturdays & 4th Tuesdays between now and May 22nd. Finalized dates, times, locations are coming soon!
Rides and Childcare are available. Please contact us to make arrangements.
There will be light snacks. Arrive on time to fill your plate.
Please RSVP to
Saturday, 2/3/2018 9:45-Noon Portland: SMWC office, 56 North St. | Beyond the First Knock: The importance of follow-up in a basebuilding organization | Follow up calls and one-on-ones are key to moving new contacts to member-leaders. We’ll learn about how to make follow up calls that get people engaged in our campaigns and how to have a one-on-one that deepens a new member’s commitments. Relationships are key to organizing and these practices will help build them. |
Wednesday, 2/28/2018 5:45pm-8:00 Portland: SMWC office, 56 North St. | Transformative Organizing and Basebuilding: The Building Blocks for Change | Learn more about what makes a basebuilding organization different from other kinds of work for social change. We will dig deeper into the concept of transformative organizing and how it influences how SMWC ‘s approach to organizing. |
Saturday, 3/10/2018 10:30:12:45 Lewiston Public Library: 200 Lisbon St. | The Power of Productive Meetings: Facilitation & Agenda Creation | Some meetings can feel stressful or boring. Other meetings can feel productive and reinvigorating. Learn the basics for how to plan and facilitate a great meeting. |
Tuesday, 3/27/18 5:45pm-8:00 Portland: SMWC office, 56 North St. | FUNdraising!: Grassroots fundraising that strengthens organizing | Organizations need money to run, but many of us are afraid to ask for it. We’ll learn about raising money from the people who care about our work most: our friends, family, and community supporters. |
Saturday, 4/14/18 9:30a,-2:30pm | ANNUAL MEETING | The Southern Maine Workers’ Center Annual Meeting is our biggest event of the year. Open to members and the general public, it is a space where we come together to reflect on and celebrate where we’ve been, and plan for the year ahead. Whether you are a longtime member, or just curious to learn more, the Annual Meeting is a space to get more deeply connected to our movement for human rights. |
Monday, 4/23/2018 5:45pm-8:00 Location TBD | Extra! Extra! Using the Press to Tell our Stories | Mainstream press is a great way to get the word out about our campaigns, but how do we make sure that the press is telling our story? We’ll learn about how to use the mainstream media to share our perspective and cover our events. |
Saturday, 5/5/201 9:45-Noon Biddeford, TBD | Shout it out! Creating our own media | There’s lots of ways to get our story out into the world. The best way to to reach people is with our own words and framing. Learn about how to use social media and communications to shout out our campaigns! |
Monday, 5/14/2018 5:45pm-8:00 Portland: SMWC office, 56 North St. | Grassroots Legislative Advocacy | In transformative organizing we run campaigns that change public policy, but also change us. We’ll learn about taking collective action for human rights as well as the basics using the legislature to make change. |