Southern Maine Workers’ Center
Please submit bids by April 9, 2021
Contact: Meaghan LaSala, Interim Executive Director
Background / Introduction
The Southern Maine Workers’ Center is a member-led organization committed to creating a grassroots, people-powered movement that improves the lives, working conditions, and terms of employment for working-class and poor people in Maine. We believe that we must organize together to ensure our human rights, such as the Human Right to Health Care and the right to Work with Dignity.
We are a member-led organization, and our members bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the table. We believe that our differences are important and make us stronger, and we also strive for political unity, common cause, and collective understanding. We come from different places, but we move forward together. We follow a set of guiding values to inform how we think about, strategize, and plan our work. These values ground us in history and theory, and they articulate our place in the expansive broader movement for justice and liberation that we strive daily to help build.
Project Goals and Scope of Services
The Workers’ Center issues this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for an individual or firm (the “Contractor”) to carry out the following project goals:
- Develop a style guide of colors, fonts, use of logos, use of taglines, etc. Support SMWC in producing guidelines for consistent, coherent look for all our publications & graphics.
- Create a set of templates in Canva that can be used as a starting point for staff and members making their own graphics.
- Create a sample slide deck in Google docs for staff/members to update for meetings & presentations.
- Create social media graphics for our Health Care is a Human Right Cantastoria project.
- Create 8 to 10 infographics with information developed by our Work With Dignity Committee about changes to federal and state employment law and worker related COVID recovery information.
- Create graphics for our Know Your Rights resources.
- Flexible priorities depending on budget: Update our banners, t-shirts, bumper stickers, thank you notes, and note cards.
Proposal Format
Proposals must include the following information:
1. Experience/Qualifications of the Contractor: Provide a resume for the Contractor and for any individuals who may be assigned to provide the services as overseen by the Contractor. Provide all relevant contact information.
2. Examples of Quality of Work: Provide a description of relevant past projects and a portfolio of prior work and materials relevant to the project. If you have experience using CANVA or building template-based design projects, please provide these examples as well.
3. Alignment with our values: Please share any reflections about how you relate to our guiding organizational values.
4. Proposed Fees/Expenses: Proposals shall clearly state all fees and expenses to be charged in the performance of all Services, with a budget of up to $4,000. You may design your budget either using a flat rate for all work, or as an hourly rate with projected / anticipated hours.
Deliverables Due: June 30, 2021
How to Submit: Please email your questions and final submission to by April 9, 2021.