Tuesday, 12/21, 12:00-1:00 PM
Arlo has transitioned away from his role at SMWC, which gives us all a special occasion to come together to lift up all the direct support, power, victories, and relationships they have built and dedicated themselves to these last 5 years. Please join us next Tuesday between 12:00PM and 1:00 PM to record some thoughts and appreciations for them. We’re thinking each person could take 2-3 minutes to speak, highlighting something like:
- a favorite memory from the past 5 years that really illustrates something you appreciate about Arlo; or
- something Arlo taught you about organizing, solidarity, strategy, etc; or
- anything else you want to make sure Arlo knows about their impact on you or the SMWC!
We’ll try to keep everyone to their allotted time, so we’re done within the hour. If you can’t make the zoom, but want to participate, feel free to record a short message on your phone and send it to ronny@maineworkers.org. Thank you!
This meeting will take place over Zoom, and you can connect us with us by following the ‘Join Zoom Meeting’ link below:
Southern Maine Workers Center is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Celebrating Arlo
Time: Dec 21, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 897 5716 4464
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